Gleanings For The Hungry is no stranger to helping people in need, and with a mission to “to feed the hungry, both physically and spiritually,” they’ve done just that and continue to do so.
The nonprofit organization hosts more than 3,000 people a year to create a team of volunteers to collect, process, and distribute excess produce and products to people around the world who are in need. Recently, their work has benefited refugees and natural disaster victims.
Gleanings offers volunteers of all ages, youth groups, families, and individuals the opportunity, and a place to stay, to make an impact and help the less fortunate.
During the summer, Gleanings sun-dries nectarines and peaches for distribution. Throughout the year, volunteers put together dried soup mix with various donated ingredients.
Premier was approached by Gleanings to provide solar to their facilities to help offset production costs to help operate more efficiently as a non-profit. As a result, Premier’s team designed and installed a 261 kw DC ground solar array for Gleanings which was completed a year later.
The ground array is designed to generate 443,339 kWh’s per year which will significantly reduce their production costs. The energy it produces helps Gleanings power volunteer quarters and their packing house, the building in which the most important processes happen.
Solar energy allows Gleanings For The Hungry to channel the budget that would have gone to their electricity bill to other needed areas, lifting some of the financial strain nonprofits inevitably experience. Premier Renewables is proud to do our part in helping Gleanings to provide food for the hungry more efficiently with solar energy.