Can you imagine the day the wells (aka rigs) really do run dry?

Consumption without limit is ingrained in our culture, an idea that everything we use can be used indefinitely. Fortunately, the imminent threat of depleting all our fossil fuels in the next 100 years with our current consumption patterns is beginning to ground people into a different perspective. Oil, coal, natural gas are not indefinite, but solar is and will be, well, forever. With solar, we don’t need to change our usage, we can simply just change which resource it is that we use.

Solar is reliable, and there’s proof

Solar power has always been around, and our ability to harness that power has been around for quite a long time as well. Some of the solar panels installed in the 70’s have already far outperformed their warranties and are continuing to produce today. The technology is already incredibly prominent, with recent advancements making the technology even more reliable. These improvements will continue to advance with the demand.

Solar investments are protected

Most panel manufacturers, including Premier Renewables, have up to a 25-year warranty on their panels, ensuring customers that their technology won’t diminish for quarter of a century! That’s some real product confidence. In addition, insurance for the protection of the panels in case of a natural disaster is a standard. Like the reliability of the technology, the protection of the technology will continue to expand with demand as well.

The 30% Investment Tax Credit (ITC) for installing solar expires soon

The tax credit from the ITC expires at the end of 2016, with all projects requiring completion by then to be eligible. Yes, we’re not even in 2015 yet, but solar projects don’t happen overnight. For industrial and agricultural applications, installing and implementing solar panels can take anywhere from one year to several. There are many steps involved in the solar installation, like solar evaluations, decisions and financing, and the solar permitting process. The time frame on these factors can vary, because each project is unique to its own situation. Solar installations themselves can take up to 6 months and when all that is said and done, one project can take up to two years (which is exactly when the 30% credit expires).

Lastly, as mentioned above, who doesn’t want to save money?

The price for fossil fuels will clearly be affected in a market where the demand continues to rise yet the supply continues to fall. Fossil fuels aren’t getting any cheaper as the resource becomes less abundant. With solar, however, the abundance is steady and the technology continues to improve, which will reflect a decrease in price (similar to any other technology). In addition to the tax credit, the return on investment for installing solar panels is essentially guaranteed, so why not invest in a guaranteed outcome?