1. Solar Farms In Agriculture: Are They Worth It?

    The agricultural industry is one of the largest consumers of energy in the world, as modern farming technology and techniques rely directly on oil, gasoline, electricity, diesel, and natural gas. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, “In 2014, the agricultural sector consumed 1…Read More

  2. The Difference Between Standard And Custom Solar Panels

    With commercial solar panels becoming more popular in recent years, business owners are starting to wonder what the difference is between standard and custom solar panels. As the leading solar company for agricultural, commercial, and industrial companies in San Francisco, Premier Renewables is here…Read More

  3. Ways To Use Solar Energy In Agriculture And Mixed Farming

    Solar farms and farms are a natural combination. They both provide necessary energy for the world and draw it directly from the immense power of the sun. When we at Premier Renewables say immense, we mean it. The sun pours more energy on the planet in 20 days than all of the world’s oil, coal, and…Read More

  4. Solar Farm Technologies

    Photovoltaic solar power is a relative newcomer to many industries. Solar technology is only a few decades old, and the idea of powering your business or farm with solar power is a bit alien to most people and the technology is even more alien. Traditional power sources usually involve burning a fue…Read More